candie blOssOm.: ~kongsifacai!~

Friday 20 January 2012


semalam aq x teringat p0wn nk tulis p0st niey ..
semalam aq kenew thn ngn cikgu tunzilah kt pejabat .. 
dierk tud0h aq p0nteng kelas!!
padahal aq pegi pejabat sbb nk pnggil ckgu aq mas0k kls..
tuw jew..
nanti kelas aq bising, thu plk marah ..
b0d0h larh aq kal0 nk p0nteng p0wn p0nteng larh kt belakang sk0la ker, crik p0rt yg sesuai larh der..
pew barang kt pejabat ..
think as a teacher ples!
jgn pakai sergah jew yek chekgu!
jasamu amat dihargai..



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Ft. Island - Severely

Friday 20 January 2012 | 02:31 | 0 Candy[s]
semalam aq x teringat p0wn nk tulis p0st niey ..
semalam aq kenew thn ngn cikgu tunzilah kt pejabat .. 
dierk tud0h aq p0nteng kelas!!
padahal aq pegi pejabat sbb nk pnggil ckgu aq mas0k kls..
tuw jew..
nanti kelas aq bising, thu plk marah ..
b0d0h larh aq kal0 nk p0nteng p0wn p0nteng larh kt belakang sk0la ker, crik p0rt yg sesuai larh der..
pew barang kt pejabat ..
think as a teacher ples!
jgn pakai sergah jew yek chekgu!
jasamu amat dihargai..


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The Princess

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